Welcome to Part 3 as we continue our 4 part series on the wisdom of Abraham, as translated by Esther Hicks in the teachings known as Abraham-Hicks.
Today we will cover:
- Details on the 5 step process of the basic philosophy of Abraham.
- As promised last week, explain The Focus Wheel in a "new and creative" way...thanks in large part to my dog, Ralphie! More on that below.
In the meantime, if you've missed any previous posts, you can get caught up now by clicking:
Here for Part 1 and
Here for Part 2.
Once you've completed Parts 1 and 2, see how much you've learned and test your Abraham knowledge by taking:
QUIZ - PART 1 and
Abraham's 5 Step Process:
First up...check out the video below and the summary that follows. These are the 5 steps of the entire philosophy of Abraham - so very important!
Summary as defined by Steps 1 through 5:
Knowing what you don't want helps you to know what you do want.
So contrasts (formerly known as "problems") are not bad, as they cause your preferences to become clearer of what you do want.
So ask. But ask only once and then move on. Don't dwell on it, as continual asking for the same thing is "beating the drum of not having", which will become your reality.
Step 2: Source immediately answers by putting the cooperative components into your vortex. You need not do anything in Step 2 - this is done automatically by Source (yeah!) Note: Refer to the Rampage video "It's Done!", below.
Step 3: Get into the receptive mode; allowing yourself to receive.
Have faith that "it's done".
Feel good in appreciation for what is and anticipation of what is to come.
Step 4: You own that. You've got this! You've practiced it and you're there mostly.

Step 5: You're now willing to stop beating up on yourself when you return to Step 1. You've mastered this and realize that repeating Step 1 - more problems (contrasts) lead to asking more questions, leading to more solutions - is not a mistake to be corrected. It's the natural, necessary, on-going process of life. It never ends while we are still alive (in physical form), nor is it supposed to!
The Focus Wheel Process:
Next we have "The Focus Wheel". There are two short videos here - one by Abraham (via Esther Hicks) and the second one I found on-line by Arvind Singh that's a really good, detailed explanation on "how to". In between there are some notes I made to help explain and summarize the process and THEN...(drum roll please)...my Super Yorkie, Ralphie did his very own Focus Wheel and has generously agreed to share it with us! You are in for a treat! But first:
- Begin your goal with "I am" or "It is" and write that in the center of the circle.

- Begin inserting thoughts that don't contradict (very general, that you already believe regarding the desire). If the statements are true, they will feel right/sit well/not irritate. If it's too specific of a statement, it will feel as if it's "bouncing off" the wheel, meaning not feel true to you. Do not use that statement and take that as your cue to "go more general."
- Hold each statement for 17 seconds and it will expand into a stronger statement. (This is actually true of any statement at anytime. It takes 17 seconds to build momentum and for the Law of Attraction to kick in.)
- Continue by holding each new statement for 17 seconds and continue to go around and around the wheel until your vibration matches that for which you are asking. (Also true of anything at anytime - your vibration always needs to match that for which you are asking.)
Suggestion 1: You may not want to write your main goal in the center section of the wheel until after you've assembled several statements around it first.
Suggestion 2: You may want to draw your own wheel, not writing the main goal in the center section nor adding "spokes" (drawing in the lines) until after you've assembled several or all of the corresponding statements around the perimeter and, at that point, read around the wheel and draw in the lines (spokes) at which time the perfect goal statement for the center of the wheel will come to you.
However, if you do want a printable Focus Wheel, click here.
Here is another video (it's short, I promise!) with detailed, specific instructions...and don't worry, Ralphie is up right after this:
And now, as promised last week, an actual Focus Wheel presented in a "new and creative way"...my dog Ralphie was kind enough to share a Focus Wheel he did on chasing squirrels:
- Begin your goal with "I am" or "It is" and write that in the center of the circle.
- Begin inserting thoughts that don't contradict (very general, that you already believe regarding the desire). If the statements are true, they will feel right/sit well/not irritate. If it's too specific of a statement, it will feel as if it's "bouncing off" the wheel, meaning not feel true to you. Do not use that statement and take that as your cue to "go more general."

- Hold each statement for 17 seconds and it will expand into a stronger statement. (This is actually true of any statement at anytime. It takes 17 seconds to build momentum and for the Law of Attraction to kick in.)
- Continue by holding each new statement for 17 seconds and continue to go around and around the wheel until your vibration matches that for which you are asking. (Also true of anything at anytime - your vibration always needs to match that for which you are asking.)
Suggestion 1: You may not want to write your main goal in the center section of the wheel until after you've assembled several statements around it first.
Suggestion 2: You may want to draw your own wheel, not writing the main goal in the center section nor adding "spokes" (drawing in the lines) until after you've assembled several or all of the corresponding statements around the perimeter and, at that point, read around the wheel and draw in the lines (spokes) at which time the perfect goal statement for the center of the wheel will come to you.
However, if you do want a printable Focus Wheel, click here.
Here is another video (it's short, I promise!) with detailed, specific instructions...and don't worry, Ralphie is up right after this:
And now, as promised last week, an actual Focus Wheel presented in a "new and creative way"...my dog Ralphie was kind enough to share a Focus Wheel he did on chasing squirrels:
OK, that was a little silly, but it demonstrates the process (hopefully) making it a little easier to understand and helping us realize this should be fun!
Here is another, more serious example I found on-line (I like Ralphie's much better though!):
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