I'm so happy to welcome author Catherine Cavendish back to the blog today to discuss her newest novella The Second Wife. I am reading and loving this right now and personally highly recommend it! Take it away Cat...
My latest paranormal
novella – The Second Wife – is a
ghost story. In it, a photograph of Emily Marchant – the deceased first wife of
my main character’s husband, features prominently. There is just something
about that photograph. Something haunted and deadly, as Chrissie is about to
Recently, I came across
some famous photographs that, so far, have failed to be exposed as fakes. See
what you think:

This photograph was taken
in Bachelor’s Grove
Cemetery in Illinois by a respected
paranormal investigator in August 1991. Several people were present at the time
and all swore there was no one there when the photo was taken. Yet, you can
clearly see a woman, dressed in white, sitting alone on a tombstone. Parts of
her are almost transparent and she is dressed in a style more reminiscent of
the 1920s than the 1990s. Bachelor’s Grove has been the site of a whole range
of paranormal phenomena including ghosts, strange lights and sounds. Is this
doctored? It is certainly very clear, but, so far, no tampering has been proved
(to the best of my knowledge)

Now I’ve got you in the
mood for ghostly tales, here’s the blurb for The Second Wife:
Emily Marchant died on Valentine’s Day. If only she’d stayed dead...
Chrissie Marchant first sets eyes on Barton Grove, she feels as if the house
doesn’t want her. But it’s her new husband’s home, so now it’s her home as
well. Sumptuous and exquisitely appointed, the house is filled with treasures
that had belonged to Joe’s first wife, the perfect Emily, whom the villagers
still consider the real mistress of Barton Grove.
A stunning photograph of the first Mrs. Marchant hangs in the living room, an unblemished rose in her hand. There’s something unnerving and impossibly alive about that portrait, but it’s not the only piece of Emily still in the house. And as Chrissie’s marriage unravels around her, she learns that Emily never intended for Joe to take a second wife…
A stunning photograph of the first Mrs. Marchant hangs in the living room, an unblemished rose in her hand. There’s something unnerving and impossibly alive about that portrait, but it’s not the only piece of Emily still in the house. And as Chrissie’s marriage unravels around her, she learns that Emily never intended for Joe to take a second wife…
Thank you so much for joining us today, Cat. I absolutely love the photos you've brought to us!
I know our readers will enjoy The Second Wife as much as I do. It's easy - just click on one of the following links to purchase The Second Wife and you can start reading right now!
The Second Wife is available now from:
You can find Cat here:
www.goodreads.com as Catherine Cavendish